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Konzert mit OUZO BAZOOKA (IL/stolen body records); support: DOC FLIPPERS (GER/lester dudit); aftershow: Rudy Reefer (CNNWTZ) & vinyl wizards (Hölle/Saale)

31.05.2018 // 22:00 Uhr

Einlass: 22.00 Uhr - Start: 23.00 Uhr
VVK via TixforGigs

Ouzo Bazooka's sound is a dizzying concoction of East meets West. Sounds like Goat playing with The Growlers and The Black Keys at an Ouzo-drenched wedding in Beirut!
Master of the wild ceromonies is Uri Brauner Kinrot who has coined the Israelian Psych and World Music scene for 10 years now by playing with Boom Pam, Shantel and Balkan Beat Box.
Ouzo Bazooka represents everything that is beautiful in Tel Aviv; Cultural coexistence, vigorous creation and an always happening urban scene. Drawing influences from this local melting pot and exotic middle eastern feel, along with classic hard rock, psychedelic art, garage rock and surf - masterfully crafted hits that will send Hell's Angels dancing on table-tops, breaking plates, grinning stupidly and ending up on the floor in a group-hug-pile-up.
After two records in the past years, they releases this year's EP "Songs from 1001 nights".

Support: Leipzig's crazy mutherf***ers of DOC FLIPPERS!
They will create the most intense and funny nightmare you were ever part of! Some psychedelic, surf or schlager, beefheartesque, zappalike on stage, dumb as bread in the backstage, but your best friend in the streets...
'Cryonic Shizzle'-Video bei Youtube

